Friday, August 29, 2008

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?

So…………… here’s what’s going on. Socks parents are getting divorced. This not only shatters and trust that Socks “Might” have ever had for marriage, (I say might because she was never that sold on it any way.), but it has also changed my outlook on love and marriage as well. I love someone. He doesn’t know that I love him, and for now it’s best that way. My Aunt and Uncle were in love, my Uncle loves my Aunt more than his own life. (By the way, she is leaving him.) That love at one time reciprocated, is now a pained commitment and adoration. Marriage is not absolute, there are no guarantees. How can a license and a ring mean so much to some, and to others so little? What holds someone to that promise; “Until death, do us part.”? I believe that my Uncle’s love for my Aunt will always remain. For he has been there for her. Every step of their life together. My Aunt, I hope will someday realize what a wonderful man she once had. Me…. I don’t know if my heart would be able to survive had its love been rejected. I know, I know, I’m depressing. But I just hope Socks and I both find a relationship worth staying in. No, I mean, I hope this divorce hasn’t shattered all hopes, of a truly fantastic relationship. No I….. I just don’t know how you could survive if your life left you.