Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Commence Mental Destruction

I know, I know..... It's been forever. I feel deeply ashamed. I've just been so busy, working, surviving, trying to forget how actually unhappy I am. I think I am in dire need of a hug. And while I'm usually not a very physical person, I really could use one. I'm so scared right now. How do I tell my roommate/brother, that I only have enough money for next months rent, but if I can't find a job, we're screwed.....??? How do I tell my step-dad, that I can't give him the money I owe him for my car payment, because I need to pay my rent? How do I buy groceries? How do I buy gas? How do I tell my dad in South Carolina, that I'm not doing as 'fantastically' as he left me? I DON'T EFFING KNOW!!!


I need to focus, relax, and try not to explode in rage.
I CAN do this. I CAN be calm. I CAN find work.

I think......

On a side note, now that I have more time on my hands, and more time to think.....I've been thinking an awful lot about Keagan..... who, mind you, I haven't seen in over three years.......I wonder what that means.........



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