Friday, November 14, 2014


It feels like forever. Or more accentuate 5eva. Since it's longer than forever. Ahh, I've been so very busy. SO much has happened, and I feel guilty for not writing sooner. Where to start...

Well, I got rid of a lot of the drama and negativity in my life. I have learned so much about friendship and relationships in the last year. I no longer associate with people that I once considered to be my best friends. It was tough at first, because this was all their choice and not mine. But it doesn't matter if you've had a friendship for 20 years, or 2, if those friends make you feel unwanted, unloved, of bad about yourself, they shouldn't even be in your life. Plain and simple. I've also found some really great people who have been there for me through thick and thin, they never let our relationship change, even when life and their relationships happen, and change. Those are the true gems. I am so lucky to have them.

I have moved. I'm working in the city, so it's easier for me to commute. I got a roommate too. AND HE'S AWESOME. It's interesting living people again. I mean, I don't know what I expected. People are more nice than I thought, Maybe I've been around bad people. I don't know. SO nice to have positive loving people in my life right now.

Oh, I also got called out about “passive aggressive posting about people”. I know who the two people that only read this blog to check up on my life. To that I say, if you want to know about my life, ask. I post what I want, when I want, because guess what? It's my blog. Has been since I was 16. Nothing is going to change about what I write. I don't get paid to write and hide the way I feel. Quite the opposite. SO instead of saying 'fuck you', because I'm better than that, I suggest maybe don't be so atrocious that I feel compelled to write about your actions to me? You know, just a suggestion.

Haha, that's it. All the other stuff, I'll try to get up/out soon.

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