Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Get Out!

I'm starting to realize that having a relationship, is a lot harder then I even initially thought it would be. I mean, trying to see each other when you have opposite work schedules. Trying to maintain open communication. And NOT GETTING HURT WHEN YOUR FRIENDS DON'T LIKE YOUR PARTNER. The last one, has been proving to be the hardest. I mean, you want to complain, and still get advice from your friends, but when they start making opinions on the negative things you've told them, believing that they're all 100% correct on how your relationship goes, or how it works. And while you know that it's their prerogative, and they don't have all the information, you still end up angry. I don't want to share all the mushy stuff. That's mine. He's mine. If you give all that away, then you sound like you are either bragging, or.....daft. So....what do you do....?

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