Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Feelings Changed

So about the whole “how far do you let it go?” thing, well………. What happens when those feelings have changed? Have they only changed because the person likes you, and it’s easy to like someone who likes you back? Or, have they changed because you have gotten to really know the person. What do you do? I find that once you stop liking guy the more you can actually get to know who they really are, not the person you have painted them to be. (Yes, I know I just now figured that out.) So what should I do? I actually can talk myself out of liking a guy if I really want to, ( a trait that Socks and I both share. ) but…then you lose the little things that happen while your flirting. Like I’ve said before, there is something to those casually significant conversations. Well for me there is. So truthfully, and back to my original point; my feelings have changed. How I don’t know. All I need to do is figure out what I’m going to do. Easier said then done

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