Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Love You

Sock's blog has been discovered by her parents, and in turn mine has too. So since I know that my beloved aunt and uncle might possibly read this post, this is what I want to tell them; I love you both up to the moon and back. You are my second set of parents and I love and respect you both so much. I know that you most likely will not agree with me but let me just say this. The content of Sock's blog is her thoughts and feelings. She was not making any of this up. If you are offended by what she wrote, you have a right to. When things are said about us without our knowledge, it is a natural reaction the become angry at those who said them. You may think Socks should have just told you how she felt. Maybe she couldn't. Maybe she can't. Maybe she just doesn't know how. Whatever the case, you cant blame her for feeling the way she does. Don't take this wrong at all. I am only trying to be objective. You know this is hard for me because I love you both, and Sock's is my other half. Maybe this timing is good. Maybe it's not. All I want you to know that I love you all.

Forever yours,


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