Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's Time

We talk about falling in love, we say when we find it we're going to go for it. But when we have that opportunity, all we do is sit at home over analyzing text messages, voicemails, conversations and seemingly significant looks. Do we actually jump? Do we actually fall? We might sort of, do those, but... no. What really happens is we trick our minds into thinking we're doing those things, and it isn't until months later that we realized we actually have done them. So for the first couple months, thinking that we fall in love, we jumped into a new relationship without hesitation, but really we're placating our own egos, and our own fears by saying or doing things which were not ready for. I'm there, I get it, I'm seriously there guys. I've got great advice coming from every single angle, I'm not going to lie. I still can't help but thinking I might be doing something wrong though. I want to actually mean it when I do it. I want to actually jump. I want to actually fall, to be scared.

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