Friday, March 5, 2010

Don't Tell Me

I love surprises. I always have. I would honestly rather wait for something for a whole year, rather than have you spoil it now. I guess this will be a rant. I'm not worried about someone reading thins, because she never does anymore. I've already mentioned how much that's not okay.
So, if you like to skip to the end of things, look up endings during a show, or a movie, watch the last 5 minutes of a show to see who won; then you and I are not going to get along. I'm cool, with it, when it's on your own time. If I'm in the room, can you at least wait until I leave. If I had the computer, effing wait 'till I'm done with it. I don't think, well for me that is, that there are very many surprises in life. True surprises. So why not enjoy the unknown for a little bit. Are you so uncontrollable that you can't even finish a movie without looking up the ending? That's serious lack of self control, and I know I'm not the most patient person, but still... if you want to ruin everything for yourself, then I feel sorry for you. But seriously, you don't need to ruin everything for me. I actually like suspense. I know, what a strange concept. *gasp*

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