Thursday, February 11, 2010

10, 20?

So I know that technically my birthday isn't until October, but it's got me thinking about turning 20. Creeeeeeeepy. I'll no longer be a teenager. But then again, I had a righteous fit when I turned 10. In my mind, I would forever be double digits, until the day I died. And we all know how rare it is to live to 100, so just stop there. But, my thoughts, drifted for my approaching 20th birthday, to my half-birthday in April, and then to my little brother, who will be turning 10. I haven't asked him, but I'm guessing he's pretty excited about the whole double digits thing. Why was it such a big deal to me? And on that note, I will say, I make a big deal out of little things. Oh, well, I guess. But yes, he'll be 10, and I'll be 20. I'll, be 20.........I'll be.........20...........oh eff.

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